REST has grown in popularity recently for a variety of reasons. Developers are attracted to the simplicity of the interfaces created. Since HTTP is such a ubiquitous protocol, developers get lightweight interoperability out of the box because most languages and platforms support both client and server interactions with their built-in HTTP support. REST also provides developers with a strong set of architectural guidelines and constraints. As developers explore these techniques, they are finding that their distributed interfaces become more decoupled, usable, and maintainable over time.
It is true that the Web and REST have progressed well without transactions. However, we believe that there are circumstances and particular applications where the use of transactions, or at least atomicity, would be beneficial. As we have evangelized REST, we have found that a frequent question is: how can application developers leverage transactions? As the movement to the Cloud (public or private) gathers momentum, these same questions arise more and more, either when cloud-based applications need to interact with clients or services outside of the Cloud or within the Cloud, where HTTP is often the only guaranteed means of communication.
These questions are often the result of having tried to do without transactions initially and found the resulting systems inadequate. Sometimes those users have come from backgrounds such as Java Enterprise Edition, where they expect such capabilities and have architected for them. Of course it could be that some of these applications were designed inappropriately and the apparent need for transactions would disappear through a careful redesign. However, this cannot account for all of these use cases.
However, you might ask: Why not use Web Services transactions? After all, WS-Transactions defines atomic and compensation based models and has demonstrated interoperability between all of the major transactions vendors. So the obvious question is why not simply use WS-Transactions? There are several reasons for this:
• The typical Web Services stack is often too large and complex. By leveraging HTTP as both a rich protocol and message format we can reduce the footprint at both the client and the server.
• The HTTP protocol already has a rich vocabulary. For instance, we use Links to convey to clients different ways in which they can interact with the transaction manager.
So how do we go about creating a RESTful transaction protocol? Understanding state and how it relates to transactions has influenced our approach to the REST transaction protocol. We have tried to ensure that the protocol embraces HATEOAS principles rather than just using HTTP as a means of conveying message protocols. For instance, if we consider the two-phase commit protocol, one way of instructing a participant to prepare and commit would be through the use of multiple URIs, such as /participant/prepare and /participant/commit, where the root of the URI (/participant) is the actual participant resource on which the protocol is ultimately operating and whose state is ultimately being changed as a result. A POST request on these URIs could then be used to trigger the relevant operation.
However, we took a different approach; one which is intimately tied to state management and which we believe is more in the HATEOAS approach. Rather than define a URI per operation, our protocol requires a single URI for each participant (as well as coordinator) and the invoker (e.g., the coordinator) requests that the participant change its state to the relevant value via PUT, e.g., to prepare a participant the coordinator would PUT the status Prepare to the URI.
As mentioned previously, working with HTTP gives us a lot of flexibility to address transactional and distributed system faults without having to resort to ad hoc approaches. For instance, attempting to DELETE any transaction will return a 403 response code. Requesting that a transaction commit may return either 200 or 202 HTTP codes (OK and Accepted, respectively). In the latter case the Location header should contain a URI upon which a GET may be performed to obtain the asynchronous transaction outcome later. If the operation fails, e.g., because a participant cannot be committed, then the protocol requires that implementations return the 409 code, i.e., Conflict. If the participant is not in the correct state for the requested operation, e.g., it receives a Prepare when it has been already been prepared, then HTTP gives us another convenient code to return: 412, i.e., Precondition Failed.
But just as with WS-Transactions, we believe that ACID semantics and specifically atomic outcomes, are not appropriate for all applications. The use of ACID transactions within a REST application can break REST principles. Fortunately we also believe that there is a solution in what are commonly referred to as extended transactions. If the transaction needs to undo then it instructs the services to perform some compensation work. This means that in a loosely coupled environment there is no retaining of locks or provisional state change for long durations. We have been working on a compensation transaction model for REST based on Sagas. At this stage the compensation protocol is still under development but the goal is to provide something that is not only a good REST citizen but also does not turn a RESTful application that uses it into one that cannot claim to be RESTful.
1 comment:
Great post. I have the same dilemma and I'm not sure which route that I'll take yet but your insight has helped.
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