It’s been available for over a month now, so some of you might have used it already. But I’m writing this post in order to give a better explanation of how to use Narayana transaction manager in your Spring Boot application.
First of all, Narayana integration was introduced in Spring Boot 1.4.0.M2, so make sure you’re up to date. At the moment of writing most recent available version is 1.4.0.M3.
Once you have versions sorted out, it’s a good idea to try it out. And in the rest of this post I’ll explain the quickstart application and what it does. After that you should be good to go with incorporating it in your code. The source code of this quickstart can be found in our GitHub repository [1].
Enabling Narayana
To enable Narayana transaction manager add its starter dependency to your pom.xml:
After that Narayana will become a default transaction manager in your Spring Boot application. From then on simply use JTA or Spring annotations to manage the transactions.
Narayana configuration
Subset of Narayana configuration options is available via Spring’s file. It is the most convenient way to configure Narayana, if you don’t require to change a lot of its settings. For the list of possible options see properties prefixed with spring.jta.narayana in [2].
In addition, all traditional Narayana configuration options are also available. You can place jbossts-properties.xml in your application’s jar as well as use our configuration beans.
Quickstart explanation
Our Spring Boot quickstart [1] is a simple Spring Boot application. By exploring its code you can see how to set up Narayana for Spring Boot as well as configure it with file.
We have implemented three scenarios for you to demonstrate: commit, rollback, and crash recovery. They can be executed using Spring Boot Maven plugin. Please see the for the exact steps of executing each example.
Commit and rollback examples are very straightforward and almost identical. They both Start the transaction, save the entry with your passed string to the database, send a JMS message, and commit/rollback the transaction.
Commit example outcome should look like this:
Entries at the start: []
Creating entry 'Test Value'
Message received: Created entry 'Test Value'
Entries at the end: [Entry{id=1, value='Test Value'}]
And rollback example outcome should be like this:
Entries at the start: []
Creating entry 'Test Value'
Entries at the end: []
Crash recovery scenario starts off the same as the other two, but then crashes the application between prepare and commit stages. Later, once you restart the application, the unfinished transaction is recovered. I need to note, that in this example we’ve added a DummyXAResource in order to allow us to crash the application on the right time. Feel free to ignore it, because it is in there only for the purpose of this example.
After the application is crashed you console outcome should look like this:
Entries at the start: []
Creating entry 'Test Value'
Preparing DummyXAResource
Committing DummyXAResource
Crashing the system
And after it is recovered the following should be printed:
Entries at the start: []
DummyXAResourceRecovery returning list of resources: [org.jboss.narayana.quickstart.spring.DummyXAResource@5bc98bd2]
Committing DummyXAResource
Message received: Created entry 'Test Value'
DummyXAResourceRecovery returning list of resources: []
Recovery completed successfully
Entries at the end: [Entry{id=1, value='Test Value'}]
Hope you'll enjoy using our transaction manager with Spring. And as always, if you have any insights or requests, feel free to post them on our