Thursday, January 11, 2018

Recovery of Narayana jdbc transactional driver

The post about jdbc transactional driver introduced ways how you can start to code with it. The post talks about enlisting JDBC work into the global transaction but it omits the topic of recovery.
And it's here where using of transactional driver brings another benefit with ready to use approaches to set up the recovery. As in the prior article we will work with the jbosstm quickstart transactionaldriver-standalone.

After reading the post about transaction recovery you will find out that for the recovery manager would consider any resource that we enlist into the global transaction we have to:

  • either ensure that resource could be serialized into Narayana transaction log store (resource has to be serializable), in which case the recovery manager deserialize the XAResource and use it directly to get data from it
  • or to register recovery counterpart of the transaction enlistment which is capable to provide the instance of XAResource to the RecoveryModule
    in other words we need implemntation of XAResourceRecoveryHelper or XAResourceRecovery (and that's where transactional driver can help us).

For configuration of the recovery properties, we use the jbossts-properties.xml descriptor in our quickstart. We leave the most of the properties with their default values but we still need to concentrate to set up the recovery.
You can observe that it serves to define recovery modules, orphan filters or xa resource recovery helpers. Those are important entries for the recovery works for our transaction JDBC driver.
For better understanding what was set I recommend to check the comments there.

JDBC transaction driver and the recovery

In the prior article about JDBC driver we introduced three ways of providing connection data to the transaction manager (it then wraps the connection and provides transactionality in the user application). Let's go through the driver enlistment variants and check how the recovery can be configured for them.

XADataSource provided within Narayana JDBC driver properties

This is a variant where XADatasource is created directly in the code and then the created(!) instance is passed to the jdbc transactional driver.
As transactional driver receives the resource directly it does not have clue how to create such resource on its own during recovery. We have to help it with our own implementation of the XAResourceRecovery class. That has to be of course registered into environment bean (it's intentionally commented out as for testing purposes we need to change different variants).

XADataSource bound to JNDI

This variant bound the XADatasource to JNDI name. The recovery can lookup the provided jndi name and receive it to create an XAConnection to find the indoubt transactions at database side.
The point here is to pass information about jndi name to the recovery process for it knowing what to search for.
The jdbc driver uses a xml descriptor for that purpose in two variants

In fact, there is no big difference between those two variants and you can use whatever fits you better. In both versions you provide the JNDI name to be looked-up.

XADataSource connection data provided in properties file

The last variant uses properties file where the same connection information is used already during resource enlistment. And the same property file is then automatically used for recovery. You don't need to set any property manually. The recovery is automatically setup because the placement of the properties file is serialized into object store and then loaded during recovery.

In this case you configured the PropertyFileDynamicClass providing datasource credentials for the transaction manager and the recovery too. If you would like to extend the behaviour you can implement your own DynamicClass (please consult the codebase). For the recovery would work automatically you need to work with the RecoverableXAConnection.


There is currently available three approaches for the setting up recovery of jdbc transactional driver
creation of your own XAResourceRecovery/XAResourceRecoveryHelper which is feasible if you want to control the creation of the datasource and jdbc connection on your own. Or using one of the prepared XAResourceRecovery classes - either JDBCXARecovery or BasicXARecovery where you provide xml file where you specify the JNDI name of the datasource. The last option is to use properties file which defines credentials for connection and for recovery too.

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