Monday, February 9, 2009

JBossTS and Blacktie: the only combination you'll need!

[Cue advertizing jingle.]

Are you a major transaction user, or do you know someone who is? Are you worried about your legacy transaction infrastructure because the vendor may not be reliable? Do you have sleepless nights wondering how to drag your transactional applications into the modern era? Or are just concerned about the ever escalating costs for the transaction system you're currently tied into? Well worry no more: what you need is Blacktie from JBoss, the company that brought you those other useful gadgets like JBossAS, the JBoss T-shirt, the JBoss thong (picture no longer available!), and the JBoss World Virtual Conference.

Unlike offerings from other vendors, Blacktie is entirely open source. It comes in a convenient source or binary bundle for easy deployment to tackle those stubborn legacy applications. Blacktie also builds upon other mature products from your favourite JBoss vendor so it fits nicely into your existing investments from them. And if this is your first entry into open source and JBoss, then it's a great way to start. Blacktie will be the only legacy transaction implementation you'll ever need to solve those annoying problems at a price you'll love!

And coming soon iBlacktie: because everything needs a little i magic!

[Cue advertizing jingle.]

Go on. Check it out. You know you want to!

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